Bringing Apex Arena Back to Life

To fanatic StarCrazy battlers:
We finally start to see the whole crypto market recovering with the BTC price now stabilizing at around 37,000 USD. Actually, StarCrazy is also going to experience some new changes. Wanna know what is waiting for you for the rest of November?
• New Adjustments for Apex Arena
It is now decided by the team that Apex Arena will be adjusted to create excitement for crazy battlers. But for now, the devs are still working on its adjustment scheme. That means STAY TUNED FOR MORE through our official channel.
• UI Updates for AOE and Regular Skills
To better help our players distinguish AOE skills from regular ones, new UI elements will be added for AOE skills for you to fuse and identify skill books way easier than before.
• Be Aware of the Deadline of the New PVP Season
It is known to all that the new PVP season has begun. Here we would like to remind you guys once again about its deadline:
Starts from: 11:00 UTC on November 15th
Ends at: 10:59 UTC on January 10th, 2024
StarSurvivor (just named it StarSurvivor for now)
• A New Round of Testing in November
This November, another round of testing will be launched for you to try out new features, such as various skill schools, for you to feel how powerful skills will be when they are in perfect match, and also bosses that you have never seen before. All these things sound mind-blowing already!!!!
It is estimated that the testing will be held between the end of November and the beginning of December.
Phew! We finally come to the end of this newsletter. We believe this November will not be boring to you who will find endless joy in StarCrazy and also the upcoming StarSurvivor.